
Are You Welcoming Rats into Your Home?

When homeowners discover a growing rat problem in their home, their heads likely swirl with questions as to when the infestation started, how the pests got inside, and what they could have done to prevent it. Instead of dwelling on what led to a rat infestation on your property, focus on the following rat removal tips and strategies to help you get rid of rats fast and stop welcoming the nuisance rodents into your home.

How to Find Rat Entry Points

Inside your house, rats can cause serious damage and spread contamination. These critters will tear up household materials to create nests, breed rapidly, and chew on just about anything to help dull their front teeth — which are constantly growing. If you notice signs of a rat infestation in your home, you need to know exactly where it started so you can tackle it from the source. Typically, these critters gain access from the following places:

How to Get Rid of Rats in Your Home

Rats are always on the hunt for a bite to eat and a place to rest. To keep these rodents out of your household, you need to make it clear that your property doesn’t offer either one. Here are some tips to help you get rid of rats and prevent them from coming back.

How to Get Effective Rat Removal Results

By doing a full investigation in and around your home, you will be able to eliminate possible food sources and habitat spaces, as well as uncover entry points and signs of damage. However, to ensure that your property gets the most thorough inspection possible, it’s best to contact a wildlife removal company. Otherwise, you could easily miss an entry point, come in contact with a contaminated surface, or have a close encounter with live rats.

Protect Your Property With Permanent Rat Removal Services

Regardless of how rats entered your home, the expert technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando will isolate your infestation, remove the unwanted animals, and permanently seal points of entry to ensure they do not return.

If you are struggling with a rat situation, trust our team of dedicated and experienced professionals to handle your problem with eco-friendly alternatives and humane removal methods. To get a free estimate or more information regarding our mice removal services, please call us today at 407-295-7194.

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