
Can Pest Control Get Rid of Spiders?

Spiders are commonly found infesting Florida homes and businesses. The pests often enter through gaps and cracks in the foundation or exterior walls in search of a warm and dry shelter. If you’re looking to get rid of these unwelcome guests, you may be deciding between using at-home methods or seeking professional help. While DIY methods can provide temporary spider relief, only the spider control services provided by pest removal experts can effectively and permanently get rid of spiders on your property.

Types of Spiders in Orlando

Despite their scary appearance, most spiders are harmless. House spiders and daddy long legs are common species found in Central Florida. Such spiders can be beneficial to have around due to their tendency to eat other invasive pests like house flies and mosquitoes. However, there are a few species of local spiders that can be harmful to your health.

Black widows and brown recluses are an invasive species that can put anyone on your property at risk. Both spiders inject a poisonous venom when they bite which can be painful and even fatal. They are a smaller species of spider that can be hard to spot. That is why you should avoid attempting DIY spider removal, and instead contact professional spider control services as soon as you notice any creepy crawlies in your Orlando home or business.

What Are Professional Spider Control Services?

Store bought spider exterminating sprays and other methods are often ineffective and can be toxic to pets or children. A certified pest control expert will permanently get rid of spiders with the following four-step process:

Get Rid of Spiders with Critter Control® of Orlando

If you’re dealing with spiders on your Orlando property, rely on the professional spider control services of Critter Control® of Orlando. Instead of using dangerous tactics or chemicals that put you and your home at risk, our licensed and trained technicians use safe pest control methods that are non-toxic and eco-friendly. To schedule your inspection and receive a free spider control estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.
