
Food Storage Tips to Keep Rodents Out

Nothing is worse than checking the pantry for a snack and finding that they’ve all been eaten, except when you discover that a rodent is a culprit. Pests, like mice and rats, can cause chaos in the kitchen. Fortunately, there are some simple domestic fixes that can turn your home from a buffet restaurant into a pest repellant. If you’re looking to eliminate trouble in the pantry, here are some food storage tips to keep rodents out.

1. Basic Interior Adjustments

The things that make your home appealing to guests can make it repulsive to rodents. Simple chores like sweeping the floors, washing the dishes, and taking out the trash can be a deterrent to pests that were hoping to pick up crumbs. Similarly, plugging drains and fixing any drainage leaks will cut off any standing water for them to drink.

2. Rodent-proof Food Storage

Rodents are known for getting into almost everything, but that doesn’t mean you have to make it easy for them. Cardboard and plastic are simple materials for rats and mice to chew through, so switch your food storage system to glass or metal. Not only are these materials healthier and more durable alternatives for your personal use, but they will also act as a shield that rodent teeth can’t chew through. Another way to keep your food out of rodents’ reach is by simply placing it a little higher. Storing your food on shelves, rather than on the pantry floor, is an effective way to make your food challenging for rodents to access.

3. Scanning the Perimeter

Once you’ve got a routine that ensures cleanliness indoors, take a step outside and see what you can do to make even more improvements. If you store any food waste in compost bins, make sure to pull it as far away from your home as possible. You may not always be able to do the same for your regular trash cans, but you can still store your waste in an effective way. Make sure to check for cracks or holes in your trash cans, because these can make it easier for rodents to smell and access your garbage.

4. Professional Help

If you’ve taken preventative measures to ensure that no rodent disturbs your pantry but are still having pest issues, contact the licensed experts at Critter Control® of Orlando. You can schedule a free consultation and find the answers to your pest control needs by giving us a call at 407-295-7194.

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