
How Did Bats Get Inside My Home?

Though they are one of the world’s most misunderstood creatures, there is no denying that bats play a critical role in our natural ecosystem. Yet, while they benefit us by eating outdoor pests, pollinating flowers, and dispersing seeds, they can wreak havoc on the inside of a residential home. If you come across a single bat somewhere in your home, chances are it may have gotten in through an open window or door. But if you see bats more frequently, then they could be unwanted house guests roosting in your attic.

To discover how bats get inside your home, you will need to complete a thorough home inspection by a wildlife removal expert who has the proper tools and experience to safely remove bats.

How Bats Get Inside Homes

Bats never make holes to get inside of buildings; they only use entry points that are left open such as:

How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Home

While your first instinct may be to close all of the entry points you find around your home during your inspection, you cannot begin bat proofing until you are absolutely sure there are no bats still living inside. If you block all of their entry and exit points, the bats will get trapped and end up flapping around the home looking for a way to escape. As the bats begin to panic, they will become agitated, spread contamination, and cause even more damage to your home. Before any bat entry points can be closed, a live bat exclusion must be performed by professionals. This will ensure all the bats are safely removed by allowing them to exit but keeping them from returning.

Rely on Your Orlando Bat Removal Professionals

At Critter Control® of Orlando, we have over three decades of experience in excluding and removing nuisance bats from the inside of homes. For more information on how we can help you get your home restored to its previous condition, call us today at 407-295-7194 and schedule an inspection to receive a free bat removal estimate.


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