
How Does Gutter Protection Help with Pest Prevention?

You may think you’ve tried every trick in the book to give nesting pests the boot and keep new ones from visiting, but you might be overlooking a crucial point of entry: your gutter. Rotting leaves, wet tree twigs, and endless standing water easily builds up in your system and creates a haven for pests right on your property. But, no matter how diligently you try to keep a clean gutter, the only way to truly prevent wildlife from entering your home is through secure gutter protection. Here are some of the ways that guarding your gutters can also prevent pests.

Secures Your Attic

Your gutters directly connect to your roof and attic, which makes it the ultimate conduit for pest entry. If there are any holes, gaps, or slight openings in your existing gutter system, pests can enter and nest inside your home. By upgrading your gutters, you can secure your home with a defensive pest guard that creates a barrier to entry.

Prevents Excess Moisture

Clogged gutters can retain moisture for days—even after the rain stops. This attracts rodents, insects, and plenty of other pests looking for a cool, damp area or some standing water to breed in. A gutter guard system keeps your gutters clean and free of debris, which prevents moisture from building and attracting nearby wildlife.

Blocks Nesting Pests

When your gutters overflow with leaves, sticks, and other falling tree debris, it can attract rodents looking for a new home or breeding site. Squirrels use those materials to create nests for their young, and having a stockpile adjacent to your roof might encourage them to build one in your gutter. By having a secure gutter system installed, debris won’t be able to pile up and present a nesting opportunity for rodents.

Orlando Gutter Protection

Keeping your gutters clean is crucial to pest prevention, but gutter health can easily get away from you. To maintain spotless gutters, you’ll have to regularly remove debris, rinse your system, and constantly repeat the process over again. Fortunately, a gutter protection system alleviates the need to clean your gutters while arming your home with a secure pest solution.

Beyond offering wildlife removal services, the expert technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando can now install CritterProof by Leaf Supreme™. This gutter system features a blend of gutter protection and roofline pest exclusion. Fortified with a 30-year Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty, this premium service provides ultimate property protection.

For more information on the CritterProof by Leaf Supreme™ system or to get your home inspected for installation, call us today at 407-295-7194.

Categories: Blog
Tags: gutter protectionpest prevention