
How to Keep Raccoons from Being Attracted to Your Property

Though many find raccoons to be cute and harmless, having these masked bandits create a large mess in your home or yard is a situation you don’t want to deal with. Raccoons have gotten extremely comfortable with living in close proximity to humans, which makes keeping them away from your home that much more challenging.

9 Tips to Keep Raccoons Away

Try these nine suggestions to keep raccoons from targeting your property:

  1. Close all potential entry points that lead into your house and attic, including pet doors
  2. Keep pet food inside
  3. Set up an exclusion barrier around your shed and porch
  4. Install a tall fence that is as slick as possible so raccoons cannot scale or climb
  5. Secure the lids of your garbage cans or leave trash cans in the garage until the day of pickup
  6. Trim back tree branches that are close to your roof to prevent raccoons from accessing roof
  7. Remove bird feeders or place them up high so raccoons have difficulty reaching them
  8. Clean any fallen fruit beneath fruit trees
  9. Ensure your home is in good repair

The Best Way to Get Rid of Raccoons

Because raccoons are fantastic climbers, it’s hard to keep them from accessing your property. Many outlets suggest using sprays, powders, sprinklers, lights, or sound machines to scare off raccoons, but there are no devices or products that will permanently keep them away. If you notice that raccoons are continually getting into your trash, destroying your garden, and stealing your pet food or birdseed, then you should rely on wildlife removal professionals to resolve your raccoon problem.

With over 30 years of experience in wildlife management, trapping, and removal, the experts at Critter Control® of Orlando understand the behaviors of wild raccoons and have the equipment and expertise needed to safely and humanely remove the pests and prevent them from returning to your property.

Effective Orlando Area Raccoon Removal Services

If your raccoon problem is getting out of control, rely on the licensed and trained wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando. Our team will inspect your property to assess the severity of your raccoon infestation, devise a proactive plan to remove the pests and install safeguards to permanently evict the critters.  To schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate for our raccoon removal services, contact Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

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