
How to Safely Remove Birds

Many of the 196 species of breeding birds in the state of Florida begin their nesting season in early Spring. While some homeowners welcome the sounds of chirping birds in the morning, others may find their presence annoying — especially if the bird’s nest is built in a less than ideal location. Before attempting to relocate a nest, consider these strategies and rules for safely removing a bird from your property.

Try and Wait It Out

Instead of attempting to move a bird’s nest, homeowners are advised to wait until nesting season is before removing the nest. While you wait, you can try making your property less inviting to birds by:

It commonly takes up to four weeks after the eggs hatch for young birds to be ready to leave the nest. However, if the nest is in an unsafe location, perhaps your bird removal cannot wait.

Determine if the Nest Location Is Unsafe

Birds are known to often nest in places that are not only inconvenient to humans, but unsafe for the birds. Nest locations inside mailboxes, lawn mowers, truck beds, grill hoods, and on front door wreaths can pose a significant problem for homeowners. Unfortunately, those who simply wish to relocate a nest to a safer location could face legal ramifications if they are not careful.

Understand the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

First enacted in 1916, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is enforced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Despite its name, the act protects over 800 migratory and non-migratory birds such as Mockingbirds and Blue Jays. Under the law, it is illegal to disturb an active nest by moving it to another location in your yard. Risking damage or inadvertently harming a bird, its nest, or its eggs is a misdemeanor violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and punishable by a maximum fine of $15,000 or up to six months in jail!

To avoid any penalties, it is recommended that you contact a professional pest removal service that has the proper permits to safely handle a bird removal.

Critter Control® Can Help

If a bird has chosen to nest on your property, contact Critter Control® of Orlando. Our experienced and licensed technicians are trained to safely remove all types of nuisance wildlife from your property. Call us at 407-315-1372 to learn more about our bird removal services or to schedule a consultation.

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