
Hurricane Roof Damage and Critters in Orlando

You know how to prepare for hurricane season in Orlando, but are you ready for what comes after the storm? If the inclement conditions of hurricane season take a toll on your roof, it can open up new entrances for displaced wildlife to nest in your home, spread disease, and cause even more damage. The safety of your family is the most crucial thing both during and after a hurricane, which is why deterring pests should be a major part of your post-storm plan.

Types of Pests

Florida wildlife gets just as shaken up over a hurricane as you do, which is why these critters try to find shelter in residential property. Structural damage creates entryways for pests to wander in, but even minimal amounts of damage attract local wildlife. Wet or rotting wood, soaked furniture, and areas with standing water attract all sorts of Orlando creatures to your property, and the most common critters include mice and rats.

How to Prevent Them

Of course, the best way to prevent pests from entering your home after a hurricane is to professionally seal the entry points that opened in your roof, but other areas of your home need attention as well. Additional ways to prevent pests from entering your home after a hurricane include:

Year-Round Wildlife Experts in Orlando

Whether there’s rain, shine, or any other Florida forecast, the expert technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando can protect your home from pests. If you’ve experienced roof damage from a hurricane, we can seal any openings and effectively secure your home from wildlife entry. Our team can also provide a free home inspection to check for pests that aren’t as easy to identify and safely remove critters that made their way inside. If you have any questions about pest prevention during hurricane season or want to start proofing your home, call us at 407-295-7194 today.

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