
Orlando Rat Facts

Burrowing or digging rats can damage house/building foundations, sidewalks, and roads. Rats also have a tendency to gnaw or chew on things such as plastic water pipes, electrical wires, and wood in walls, attics, and around door frames. This is in addition to the damage they may do to food sources in your kitchen or pantry.

If you find evidence of rats, mice, or rodents that have damaged food, throw it away immediately, taking care to protect yourself from possible contamination left behind by rat droppings.

How Do You Know if You Have Rats in or Around Your Orlando Home?

Orlando Rat Traveling Patterns

3 Ways How Rats Enter Orlando Homes

  1. Rats can enter structures such as residential homes, buildings, garages through an opening as small as a nickel looking for a new nest
  2. After entering a home through the roof and attic, rats can follow pipes or chew through walls to access food sources in the home
  3. When in search of food, rats can chew through aluminum, plastic, wood, plaster walls and other soft metals to gain entry to a house

At Critter Control® of Orlando, we are experts in rat habitat and rat behavior in the Orlando area. Our experienced rat removal technicians can identify whether your home infestation is a rat, mice, squirrels, or other rodents or animals.

We can remove the invading animal, repair your home from animal damage, and repair the entryways the animal has created in your home to make sure they don’t come back.

Call Critter Control of Orlando today at 407.295.7194 to get started with your pest removal and repair.

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