
5 Plants to Naturally Repel Mosquitoes

If not addressed, the presence of mosquitoes in your backyard can be a big nuisance to family and guests, ruining your outdoor entertainment plans. However, you may not want to resort to using odorous sprays to help combat their painful bites.

Fortunately, there are a few natural alternatives to overwhelming mosquito repellents and pesticides that can provide a temporary solution to your frustrating mosquito problem.

5 Commonly Used Mosquito Repelling Plants

The following plants contain strong scents and essential oils that have been known to naturally repel mosquitoes and other bothersome insects from homes and businesses.

  1. Peppermint

    This strongly-scented plant is a repellent to a wide variety of insects. Planting it in small pots and placing it around your garden or backyard is the most effective way to keep pesky mosquitoes at bay. Though peppermint is a great mosquito repellent, it can attract bees and butterflies to the area, so keep your plants away from doors and open windows.

  2. Marigolds

    These plants are popular for their beautiful, bright appearance and ability to thrive in most types of weather, but they also keep the mosquitoes away with their unique scent. Place potted marigolds around doors, windows, and on your patio to keep the pests away. You can also plant marigolds in your garden to keep insects from feeding on your other plants.

  3. Citronella

    A common ingredient used in bug sprays and repellents, citronella makes a great repellent in its natural form. Citronella is perfect for our warm Florida climate and can grow to be up to six feet tall, helping to repel mosquitoes in a larger area than other options.

  4. Basil

    As it turns out, basil isn’t only useful for cooking. This aromatic plant is also great as an insect repellent. Basil requires a good amount of sun but needs to be kept moist in order to thrive. Plant it in a large pot to prevent it from spreading too quickly so you can move it into the sun easily.

  5. Rosemary

    Another herb often found in the kitchen, rosemary uses its pungent smell to repel mosquitoes and other insects effectively. In contrast to basil, rosemary doesn’t require a lot of water and loves hot and dry conditions. Rosemary can be shaped as it grows larger and is also effective in a garden as a repellent as well.

Effective Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

Using plants as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes may help keep some pests at bay, but it is not a permanent solution to ridding your property of mosquitoes. Professional pest control experts use safe, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly methods to eliminate mosquitoes and other outdoor pests. Don’t waste your time with plants and other ineffective DIY methods to repel mosquitoes. Instead, contact the effective and affordable mosquito eliminating services of Critter Control® of Orlando.

Reliable Mosquito Control in Orlando

If you are struggling with having too many mosquitoes on your property, then rely on the pest control experts at Critter Control® of Orlando. After one call, we will send one of our licensed pest removal experts to visit your home, examine the magnitude of your mosquito problem, and strategize a treatment plan before delivering you an estimate for our services that fits your needs and budget.

To schedule your free consultation and professional home inspection, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

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