How to Identify Rat Entry Points

How to Identify Rat Entry PointsYou don’t have to dust off your welcome mat for rats to feel invited into your home. In fact, you don’t even have to leave any entrances open for them to make their way inside. The tiniest holes, cracks, or gaps are often big enough for rats to easily fit through, which makes them harder for you to spot and seal on your own. If you’re ready to get serious about stopping rats from causing trouble in your home, here are a few concrete ways to identify potential entry points.

3 Common Inspection Tools

Before you set out to uncover the potential rat entry points in your home, you’re going to need a few tools to make the job easier, such as:

  1. Flashlight

    Entry points may be in hard to see spaces, which is why it’s essential to bring a strong source of light.

  2. Ladder

    You’ll need to search high and low to find every potential entry point, which makes ladders a crucial inspection tool.

  3. Tree trimmer

    If you identify branches that are providing easy access for rats or other pests, you can instantly trim them and cut off the passage.

6 Common Rat Entry Points

We can’t understand exactly what rats are thinking, but we can predict and understand patterns in their behavior. Here are the first places you should check for potential rat entry points.

  1. Door frames

  2. Windows

  3. Vents

  4. Roof

  5. Gutter

  6. Utility lines

3 Common Signs of Rats

Even if you are unable to identify potential entry points, you can still check for signs to understand whether you have a pest problem on your hands. To understand if you have an existing issue, here are the signs to look for.

  1. Rat droppings or urine stains
  2. Scratch marks or chewed sections
  3. Strong odors or unexplained sounds

Orlando Rat Removal

If you suspect that rats are nesting in your home or just want to ensure that no rodent is able to make entry, contact the wildlife professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando. We can perform a full inner and outer perimeter sweep to uncover each potential entry point, seal them, and create a strong pest barrier. Our expert team can also exclude rats that have already infested your home and create a safe system to protect your family in the process.

To schedule your free home inspection and get the peace of mind you deserve, give us a call today at 407-295-7194.


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