
The Dangers of Wild Animals to Your Pets

A puppy playing with a baby raccoon sounds like the next viral video on the internet. While we admit that would make for one adorable clip, allowing your pets to interact with wild animals isn’t a good habit to get into. Critters expose your household pets to many dangers, and should never be allowed to interact with them, no matter how cute they may be.

The Risks

If your cat, dog, or other household pet comes into contact with a wild animal such as a raccoon, armadillo, or possum, they could be exposed to:

Protect Your Pets

The importance of keeping your family, especially the furry members, away from wildlife is crucial. A cute video is not worth sacrificing the health of your pet. At Critter Control Orlando®, we understand you may not always have eyes on your dog or cat while they’re playing outside, so let us help you keep your home and yard pest-free. At the first sign of any wild animal, contact our technicians, and keep your pets safe! For a free consultation, call us today at 407.295.7194.

Categories: Blog
Tags: petpet diseaseswild animals and pets