
What to Do If You Hear Rattling Under Your Porch?

As natural pest regulators, snakes are essential to the environment and most often harmless to humans. However, there are some snake species that can do serious damage when they happen upon your home. Before you go peeking under the porch to understand which kind you’re dealing with, ready yourself with the right information about rattlesnakes.

Why Do Snakes Rest Under My Residence?

Rattlesnakes aren’t necessarily looking for trouble when they start denning under your home, but here are some things that they might be in search of.

What’s the Best Way to Stay Safe?

You should never attempt to handle a rattlesnake, and you should prioritize staying safe until you contact someone who can. If you need to go outside for any reason, wear close-toed, protective shoes that can guard your feet, ankles, and even calves from a rattlesnake bite. If you happen to run into a rattlesnake on your lawn, in your garden, or anywhere on your property, keep your distance and carefully walk around or away from the snake to safety.

How Can I Send Snakes Slithering?

After you’ve dealt with your existing snake problem, you’ll need to work to prevent another one. To keep snakes from coming back, here’s how to send the right signals.

Snake Removal in Central Florida

If you suspect a snake, let wildlife technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando assess the situation. Even if you’re dealing with a benign breed, we can remove the unwanted critter and secure your property with long-term wildlife solutions and safe animal trapping services. To schedule a free inspection for your home, call us today at 407-295-7194.

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