
When is Bat Maternity Season?

Running in Florida from April 15-August 15, bat maternity season is the time of year when bat relocation practices are prohibited. If a bat colony settles in your residence during this time, you won’t be able to have them removed until the season is over. Bat maternity season is in full swing already, but you can still take proactive steps to protect your home if it’s currently free of bats.

Remove Current Pests

Bat maternity season waits for no one, so now’s the best time to remove any unwanted dwellers from your attic, chimney, or another pest hideout. You can’t take any action against bat infestations specifically, but you’ll want to have any other pests professionally removed in order to fully protect your home.

Keep Pests from Entering

If your home is already vacant of critters, you’ll want to take some preventative measures to keep it that way. Check your home and other buildings on your property, and make sure that there are no openings for bats to enter.

Preserve Natural Roosting Spots

Bats are a vital player in environmental pest control, and they’ve only become a pest to residents because there are fewer natural places to roost. If you want to help preserve Florida wildlife while giving bats a place to roost that isn’t in your home, consider preserving natural roost sites. Trees with cavities and peeling bark are perfect candidates for bat entry. Similarly, you can make an environmental difference and put up a bat house. This will provide a safe and comfortable spot for bats to reside that’s away from your home.

Guaranteed Protection

If you want professional assistance in protecting your home during the bat maternity season, contact the team at Critter Control® of Orlando. Our licensed wildlife specialists can seal off your home’s potential entry points to protect it from infestation, even after the season passes. We can also remove any other unwanted pests that may currently be bothering your home.

Give Critter Control of Orlando a call today at407-295-7194 for your free consultation.

Categories: Blog
Tags: batbat maternitybat maternity seasonbat relocationbat relocation practices