The Importance of Eliminating Ant Colonies

The Importance of Eliminating Ant Colonies

Ant colonies consist of a unique structure which depends on the queen ant remaining alive to keep the colony strong. Because ants are small in size, they are often overlooked as a significant threat to residential and commercial properties; however, the pests can cause a large amount of damage if they manage to infest your home or business. Here are some of the threats that ant colonies pose and ways you can locate, treat, and eliminate the pests on your Orlando property.

Ant Prevention and Elimination Tips

Most property owners are unaware of the existence of an ant infestation on their property until it is too late. You could stumble upon wood shavings from a carpenter ant infestation or spot a trail of ants on an exterior wall that leads you to their mound. However, even if you find where the ants are coming from, ant colonies often exist several feet below ground and can, therefore, be difficult to eradicate.

Eliminating an ant colony depends on its location and specific species of ant. Underground colonies require a treatment specifically made for ant mounds, which is typically a liquid solution that saturates the entire mound. Carpenter ant elimination requires a slow-acting bait, which relies on worker ants to take the poisoned bait back to the rest of the colony.

Regardless of the type of ant infestation you are dealing with, eliminating ants is a process that should be left to experienced ant control experts who have the equipment to effectively remove nuisance ants and destroy their colonies before they can pose a threat to you and your property.

The Threat of Ant Colonies

Bites from certain ants can cause a range of adverse reactions and side effects including swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing, and even anaphylactic shock. Ants seek out food and water sources, so kitchen areas are often primary targets for the pests, resulting in food and water contamination from the dirt and waste the ants track in and leave behind.

Additionally, ants can cause serious damage to your home by chewing wood, weakening your property’s structural integrity. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the dangers that ants pose and take immediate action to prevent ants from invading your home.

Reliable Orlando Ant Control Services

At Critter Control® of Orlando, we practice safe pest control methods that are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and at no risk to humans or household pets. Our four-step method ensures all ants are permanently removed through the following process:

  1. Inspection – We inspect your entire property to determine the size and scale of your ant infestation.
  2. Removal – We safe and non-invasive methods to permanently eliminate your ant problem.
  3. Prevention – All ant entry points will be sealed to prevent future infestations.
  4. Restoration – Any damage or contamination left behind by the ants will be cleaned and repaired.

The licensed and trained ant control technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando are equipped and ready to quickly remove nuisance ants, pests, or unwanted wildlife from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule an inspection and receive a free ant control estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

How to Keep Ants Out of Your Garden

How to Keep Ants Out of Your Garden

Ants can be a pesky problem to have in your garden. Not only can they damage your plants, but they can also pose a threat to your property, especially if they make their way into your Orlando home. Fortunately, there are several natural ant prevention methods you can follow to quickly get nuisance ants out of your garden without harming your plants.

Natural Methods for Ant Prevention

If you are struggling with ant control, here are six effective ant prevention tactics for you to try:

  1. Borax and Sugar Solution

    A 50/50 mix will create a poisonous bait that attracts ants. When the ants bring the toxic bait back to their nests, it can kill off the entire colony.

  2. Diatomaceous Earth

    A fine powder made from crushed rock, diatomaceous earth can cut through the exoskeleton of insects, including ants. Sprinkle it around the perimeter of your garden to create a barrier that will keep ants out.

  3. Brewed Coffee Grounds

    Ants are repelled by the smell of brewed coffee grounds, so spread them around your garden to keep ants at bay.

  4. Baking Powder and Sugar

    An alternative to the borax and sugar method that is just as effective, but safer for ant-infested households that have pets or small children.

  5. Eliminate Aphids

    Aphids provide a source of food for ants known as honeydew. Therefore, eliminating aphids from your garden may help prevent ants as it will remove a food source that the pests crave.

  6. Vinegar

    Ants are not fans of strong smells, like vinegar. Mix water and vinegar into a spray bottle and apply it where you see ants.

While these natural, DIY methods can be effective at preventing ants, they only offer temporary relief from the potential threats that ants can pose to you and your property. Ants can spread contamination and cause painful bites to your loved ones if they manage to infest your home. Instead of attempting your own ant control methods, save yourself the time and hassle by relying on the ant control experts at Critter Control® of Orlando to permanently take care of ants in your garden.

Effective Ant Control Services in Orlando, FL

The experienced ant control technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando will quickly and safely remove nuisance ants from your property and keep them from returning. Instead of using dangerous and damaging chemicals, our licensed and trained experts use only non-toxic, eco-friendly, and safe ant control methods that pose no risk to you, your loved ones, or your pets.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free ant control estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.


Can Plants Repel Wild Animals?

WhCan Plants Repel Wild Animals?ile certain plants, herbs, and flowers may look and smell pretty to humans, such vegetation can be odorous or even harmful to wild animals. If your garden is being ransacked by invasive pests, a variety of common plants can be useful in driving nuisance wildlife away from your residential home.

Common Wild Animal-Repelling Plants

Plants that you could add to your yard to help repel destructive wild animals include:

  • Allium Plants

Planting garlic, leeks, onions, chives, and shallots can help drive away subterranean mammals such as moles and voles. These destructive pests ruin lawns and gardens by burrowing underground tunnels in search of food.

  • Aromatic Plants

    Can Plants Repel Wild Animals?

Aromatic flowers, herbs, and plants have been known to repel several species of rodent. For instance, crown imperial flowers give off a musky scent that smells like a fox to squirrels. Oak and bay leaves as well as sweet-smelling marigold, mint, lavender, sweet pea, and amaryllis have been known to repel mice.

  • Prickly Plants

The paws of wild animals like rabbits and raccoons are quite sensitive to sharp surfaces. A border of prickly, thorny, sharp, or bumpy vegetation like roses, squash, or oriental poppies can keep such pests out of your vegetable garden.

  • Poisonous Plants

While the smell of castor beans and daffodils make good rodent repellents, they can be poisonous if swallowed. Be sure they are out of reach from domesticated pets. Ingesting any part of a daffodil can result in severe vomiting, pain, and even death for an animal — including cats and dogs. Castor beans are known to elicit a similar reaction in pets. Should your pet ingest any of the above listed plants or flowers, contact a pet poison hotline immediately.

The Short-Term Effectiveness of Wild Animal-Repelling Plants

While the taste, fragrance, and texture of plants may repel certain pests, it only serves as a temporary solution to your wild animal problem. To put an end to your infestation for good, rely on the services of the professional animal removal specialists at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Permanent Wild Animal Removal Services in Orlando

The experienced wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando will quickly and safely remove nuisance pests from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your free consultation, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.

5 Plants to Naturally Repel Mosquitoes

If not addressed, the presence of mosquitoes in your backyard can be a big nuisance to family and guests, ruining your outdoor entertainment plans. However, you may not want to resort to using odorous sprays to help combat their painful bites.

Fortunately, there are a few natural alternatives to overwhelming mosquito repellents and pesticides that can provide a temporary solution to your frustrating mosquito problem.

5 Commonly Used Mosquito Repelling Plants

5 Plants to Naturally Repel MosquitoesThe following plants contain strong scents and essential oils that have been known to naturally repel mosquitoes and other bothersome insects from homes and businesses.

  1. Peppermint

    This strongly-scented plant is a repellent to a wide variety of insects. Planting it in small pots and placing it around your garden or backyard is the most effective way to keep pesky mosquitoes at bay. Though peppermint is a great mosquito repellent, it can attract bees and butterflies to the area, so keep your plants away from doors and open windows.

  2. Marigolds

    These plants are popular for their beautiful, bright appearance and ability to thrive in most types of weather, but they also keep the mosquitoes away with their unique scent. Place potted marigolds around doors, windows, and on your patio to keep the pests away. You can also plant marigolds in your garden to keep insects from feeding on your other plants.

  3. Citronella

    A common ingredient used in bug sprays and repellents, citronella makes a great repellent in its natural form. Citronella is perfect for our warm Florida climate and can grow to be up to six feet tall, helping to repel mosquitoes in a larger area than other options.

  4. Basil

    As it turns out, basil isn’t only useful for cooking. This aromatic plant is also great as an insect repellent. Basil requires a good amount of sun but needs to be kept moist in order to thrive. Plant it in a large pot to prevent it from spreading too quickly so you can move it into the sun easily.

  5. Rosemary

    Another herb often found in the kitchen, rosemary uses its pungent smell to repel mosquitoes and other insects effectively. In contrast to basil, rosemary doesn’t require a lot of water and loves hot and dry conditions. Rosemary can be shaped as it grows larger and is also effective in a garden as a repellent as well.

Effective Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

Using plants as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes may help keep some pests at bay, but it is not a permanent solution to ridding your property of mosquitoes. Professional pest control experts use safe, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly methods to eliminate mosquitoes and other outdoor pests. Don’t waste your time with plants and other ineffective DIY methods to repel mosquitoes. Instead, contact the effective and affordable mosquito eliminating services of Critter Control® of Orlando.

Reliable Mosquito Control in Orlando

If you are struggling with having too many mosquitoes on your property, then rely on the pest control experts at Critter Control® of Orlando. After one call, we will send one of our licensed pest removal experts to visit your home, examine the magnitude of your mosquito problem, and strategize a treatment plan before delivering you an estimate for our services that fits your needs and budget.

To schedule your free consultation and professional home inspection, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

How to Tell if You Have a Rabid Opossum on Your Property

How to Tell if You Have a Rabid Opossum on Your Property

Despite sometimes being a nuisance on your property, opossums are generally harmless critters. However, a sick opossum poses a risk to humans if they come in close contact. Here’s how to tell if the opossums on your property are ill.

Can Opossums Have Rabies?

There’s a common misconception that all opossums carry rabies; however, opossums have a low body temperature that makes it difficult for the virus to survive. Many confuse “rabid opossum” behaviors such as drooling and hissing as a sign of rabies, when, in fact, they are defense tactics used to scare predators away.

Common Opossum Diseases

While opossums typically don’t carry rabies, there are several other diseases the critters can carry that they can then transmit to humans. Some common opossum illnesses include:

  • Leptospirosis

    This bacterial disease is passed through contact with opossum urine. It can cause severe respiratory distress and lead to other health conditions such as kidney damage and liver failure.

  • Tularemia

    This disease is contracted through a bite or scratch and can lead to a high fever, skin ulcers, and chest pain.

  • Murine Typhus

    This version of typhus is transmitted through fleas carried by the opossum. Common symptoms include body aches, chills, and rashes.

Signs of a Rabid Opossum

It’s important to know the symptoms of a sick opossum so you can call a pest control expert immediately. Common signs of illness include:

  • Skin lesions, such as spots or sores
  • Loss of fur or patches
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Labored breathing
  • Lethargic or agitated behavior

As soon as you notice an opossum exhibiting these symptoms, contact an opossum removal professional to humanely remove the animal.

Expert Opossum Removal Services Near You

For experienced rabid opossum removal, rely on the removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando for quick and safe results. Our thorough process involves inspection, removal, restoration and prevention. To schedule an appointment and receive a free opossum removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

The Pros and Cons of Different Mole Control Methods

The Pros and Cons of Different Mole Control MethodsInvasive moles quickly become an expensive nuisance when they tunnel under your Central Florida home. In addition to littering your yard with hazardous and unsightly mole holes, burrowing pests can threaten your home’s structural integrity by weakening the ground beneath your property.

Here are a few mole control methods you can utilize to deter pesky rodents and the pros and cons of each.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Common Mole Control Methods

  • Insecticides

An easy way to get rid of moles is removing their food source of grubs and other insects by using a milky spore bacteria or insecticide. Removing insects is an advantage because it can also help improve your lawn; however, certain insecticides can be harmful to the environment.

Using insecticides also takes a lot of timing to be an effective mole control treatment. For maximum effect, apply insecticide to mole infested areas in the early spring.

  • Mole Repellents

Mole repellents provide a humane and easy option to get rid of moles. Most repellents release scents, vibrations, or sounds that drive moles away. You can also make your own mole repellent by mixing three parts castor oil in a spray bottle with one part dish soap. Simply spray the solution on any visible mole holes in your yard. The repellent releases on its own, so you don’t need to time it to a specific season for it to work.

The downside of using mole repellent is certain scents can harm the mole’s or other animals’ digestive system. Therefore, be careful not to let your pets accidentally ingest the substance, or they could become ill.

  • Protective Landscaping

To naturally get rid of moles, consider planting flowers such as marigolds or daffodils. These allium plants give off a strong odor that repels moles. You can also consider digging a trench around the area you want to protect from moles. Using fencing or other forms of protective landscaping can help beautify your lawn, and it won’t put any critters at risk of harm.

The main disadvantage is that yard equipment and fencing can be expensive and their installation can eat up your time.

  • Hiring a Mole Removal Professional

Ultimately, the most effective way to get rid of moles is by hiring a mole removal specialist. A pest control professional will have the necessary equipment and expertise to remove moles safely and humanely from your property.

Effective Mole Control Methods and Services in Orlando, FL

If you have a mole problem on your Central Florida property, contact the professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando. Using our four-step process of inspection, removal, prevention, and restoration, our mole control experts will quickly remove moles from your property and keep them from returning. Call us at 407-295-7194 today to schedule your inspection and receive a free mole removal estimate.

How to Choose a Professional Mole Removal Service

How to Choose a Professional Mole Removal ServiceMoles can destroy your lawn or backyard in a short amount of time as they burrow underground, busting irrigation pipes, cracking foundations, and uprooting plants in the process. To permanently get rid of the burrowing rodents, you’ll want professionals with expertise and experience. Here’s how to choose a mole removal expert.

Select Knowledgeable and Experienced Mole Removal Professionals

A reputable mole removal company will have proven experience dealing with moles and a deep understanding of the signs and damages the pests can cause as they dig up your property, such as:

  • Destroyed landscaping

    Moles will leave a trail of uprooted sod and dirt across your lawn as they dig their winding tunnels, causing your grass to wither and die.

  • Personal injury

    When creating burrows, moles will loosen the soil around your property, making unsupported weak spots and mole holes for you to step in and trip over. This can lead to a twisted or sprained ankle.

  • Structural threats

    Moles are mostly blind and don’t pay attention to where they’re digging. They can run into cables, plumbing, and even your home’s foundation, threatening its structural

A mole removal expert will be able to identify the above signs of mole damage and quickly devise a treatment plan to put an end to your infestation and avoid any long-term damages.

Choose Effectiveness Over Gimmicks

To remove moles from your home or business, you’ll want a wildlife removal expert that employs safe, but effective, mole removal techniques. Instead of relying on naturally scented sprays, ineffective ultrasonic repellents, or harmful and inhumane chemicals to treat a mole infestation, the professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando utilize a four-step removal process to get rid of the nuisance animals.

Our process includes:

  1. Inspection: We conduct a thorough walkthrough of your property to identify the location of the pest.
  2. Removal: All moles are safely removed using eco-friendly and humane techniques that keep the health of the critter in mind.
  3. Restoration: Any property damage caused by the moles is repaired and restored.
  4. Prevention: Entry points are sealed up to prevent mole re-entry.

Safe and Efficient Mole Removal Services in Orlando

If you need mole removal services in the Central Florida area, rely on the professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando for an effective and humane process. Our licensed and trained mole removal technicians will quickly and safely remove nuisance moles from your property and keep them from returning.

Call us today at 407-295-7194 to schedule your inspection and receive a free mole removal estimate.

5 Signs of an Opossum Infestation in Your Home or Business

5 Signs of an Opossum Infestation in Your Home or BusinessOpossums will den anywhere they can find a spot that’s dry, sheltered, and safe which is why they are commonly found living inside attics, within crawl spaces, or underneath the sheds and decks of homes and businesses. Because their bodies have little fat, opossums don’t store food during the winter and instead forage for food year round. Therefore, the nocturnal marsupials can frequently be seen at night wandering Orlando neighborhoods in search of food.

Opossum diets typically consist of fruits, nuts, insects, mice, frogs, snakes, poultry, and carrion; however, opossums will also eat the garbage, pet food, and birdseed found around many residential and commercial areas. If you notice disturbances in and around your home or workplace, then look for the following signs to confirm if you have a growing opossum infestation.

5 Signs of Opossums

  1. Loud scratching noises

    Opossums make ripping, scratching, and scuttling noises as they build their nest. The sounds are also not confined to one particular area, so you will most likely hear them whenever they are moving around.

  2. Constant animal vocalizations

    If you hear noises such as hissing, shrieking, clicking, or lip smacking, you could have multiple opossums living inside. Often, it’s a mother opossum communicating with her

  3. Building exterior damage

    Look for torn shingles or ripped soffits as well as damaged siding, eaves, and gutters.

  4. Disappearing pet food

    Opossums love an easy meal and will steal the pet food you leave outdoors. Whenever possible, feed your pets inside or bring the dishes in overnight when opossums are most active.

  5. Unpleasant smells

    Because of their size, opossums leave large droppings all over the area where they live. Their urine and feces stain wooden materials and soak into attic insulation, causing an unpleasant odor. It’s also possible for the opossum to get trapped and die in which you will want to hire a professional to remove the decomposing body and perform a thorough cleaning.

Dangers of an Opossum Infestation

Although opossums are docile creatures, they can create significant damage inside your homes or business. Using their teeth and claws, they’ll tear shingles, siding, and insulation. The feces and urine they leave behind causes large stains and toxic smells if not quickly cleaned. Opossums can also carry parasites, fleas and ticks, as well as items from the outside such as dried leaves and  grass to form a comfortable nesting place for mother opossums to birth their young.


Contact Central Florida’s Opossum Removal Experts

When it comes to opossum removal, don’t wait to address the situation. Instead, rely on the professional services of Critter Control® of Orlando. We will safely and humanely remove the nuisance pests and take the proper steps to ensure they don’t gain access back into your home or business.

For more information or to schedule your inspection and get a free opossum removal estimate, call us today at 407-295-7194.

Insect Repelling Plants for Your Yard

Plant These Herbs to Help Repel Insects

With insects constantly flying around your property, it makes gardening tasks and other outdoor activities more difficult. However, there are numerous insect-repelling plants you can place around your home or in your garden to help keep those pesky bugs at bay.

4 Insect Repelling Plants for Your Yard

The essential oils in certain plants act as a natural bug repellent, resulting in fewer insects in your yard. Another way to keep bugs away, especially mosquitos, is by removing any standing water which they use to breed. To help better your chances of winning the battle against the bugs invading your property, try incorporating the following herbs:

  1. Lavender

    Though people love the smell of lavender and have been using the essential oil for centuries, moths, fleas, flies, and mosquitos hate the sweet scent. Keep tied bouquets of lavender inside the home, and plant it near entryways or in parts of your garden that get plenty of sunlight. You can also make a natural mosquito repellent to spray on your skin by extracting oil from the flowers.

  2. Lemongrass

    Used to make citronella, lemongrass helps repel mosquitos, assisting with the prevention of contracting insect-borne illnesses such as malaria, dengue, and Lyme disease. The grass can also be used whole, sliced, or pounded into a pace and then added into a variety of culinary dishes like soups, chicken, pork, and even as a flavoring for crème brulee. Keep the grass inside of a pot or plant it in the ground in a well-drained area that receives a lot of sunlight.

  3. Peppermint

    The strong fragrance helps repel mosquitos, ants, and even mice. Because mint grows aggressively when planted in the ground, it’s best to keep it in pots around your patio or garden. Place clippings of mint in areas where broccoli, cabbage, and turnips are growing as well as use the leaves to flavor ice tea.

  4. Rosemary

    You can keep rosemary in containers on the patio or put it into the garden to repel flies, mosquitos, and other insects from damaging your vegetable plants. Rosemary can also be used for a variety of medical and culinary purposes.

Planting these and other similar plants into your garden will keep your vegetables growing and ornamental flower beds looking pretty. However, plants alone can’t keep your landscape and garden entirely insect free.

Reliable Pest Control Services in Orlando

While plants and herbs will assist with deterring small pests, the regularly scheduled pest control services provided by the team of specialists at Critter Control® of Orlando will resolve larger infestations and keep you and your family safe from invasive pests. Our experts are well-equipped to handle even the most complex pest infestations.

For more information regarding our pest control services we provide or to schedule your consultation and get a free estimate, call us today at 407-295-7194.

Harmful vs. Humane Ways to Get Rid of Rats

Harmful vs. Humane Ways to Get Rid of RatsThe presence of an unwelcome pest in your home can range from annoying to terrifying, and the sounds and smells that rats make are often disturbing. But exterminating the critters that caused them isn’t the only way to make them go away. In fact, there are several safe rat removal solutions that provide even better results than the inhumane tactics most commonly used to treat infestations.

Here are some tactics, both harmful and humane, that can help get rid of rats in your home.


Harmful Rat Removal Tactics

In severe cases, a rat infestation can cause homeowners to attempt DIY removal or extermination. Not only are these rat control methods inhumane, but they can also be dangerous for anyone nearby. These types of removal methods may include:

rat removal orlando

  1. Rat traps

    Baited traps have become an outdated method of animal control. Easily triggered and completely inhumane, rat traps can snap on anything from pet tails to human fingers. In addition, many rats will quickly learn to avoid traps once they sense danger.

  2. Hands-on removal

    Attempting to personally remove a live rat is not only risky, but also dangerous to the safety of both the handler and the animal, as the spread of disease is a high possibility. Therefore, rats should only be handled by experienced personnel who are equipped with the proper tools and training.

  3. Rat poisons

    A majority of rodent poisons contain a mixture of chemicals that cause terrible side effects, which result in a very slow and painful demise for these tiny rodents. However, the toxins in these poisons can also be harmful to pets and children.

Humane Rat Removal Solutions

There are a variety of humane wildlife methods on the market that claim to repel rats. However, these alternatives often fail to solve the root issue that attracted the rodents in the first place, and they do little to actually prevent wild animals from being able to enter your home. Such at-home alternatives for rat removal include:

  1. Ultrasonic devices

    These humane rat repellants transmit high frequencies designed to deter rats. However, they can only project noise a short distance, meaning you’ll have to install them all throughout your home to see any results.

  2. Natural deterrents

    Containing a mixture of natural scents and essential oils, these products only offer temporary relief. And the only way to protect your entire home with naturally scented sprays is to continuously douse your entire property, which can cost you a lot of time and money.

The most effective way to remove unwanted animals without using toxic chemicals and treatments is to partner with a humane wildlife removal service. Experienced local professionals can safely tackle any rat problem with environmentally friendly alternatives, humane handling tactics, and careful relocation.


Safe Ways to Get Rid of Rats in Orlando

While rats can indeed be a nuisance, you don’t have to take drastic measures to take back control of your property. By calling upon local experts for professional assistance, you can access humane rat removal services that provide serious results.

At Critter Control® of Orlando, we are determined to limit all harm to you, your family, and your property — but we’re also dedicated to preserving and protecting your local environment. As a result, we provide the most humane, safe, and eco-friendly methods possible through our four-step CritterSafe® system, which includes:

  • Inspection – One or more of our trained professionals will visit your home to perform a full inspection and better understand your situation.
  • Removal – Using one-way traps built to safely contain rats, we’ll humanely handle and remove all the unwanted critters from your home.
  • Exclusion – To prevent them from returning, our technicians will block rat entry points with a variety of high-strength materials.
  • Restoration – We’ll clean up the mess, sanitize areas contaminated by waste, and repair damage caused by the critters.

Furthermore, our CritterSafe® program helps our crew minimize danger to wildlife because it includes the use of:

  • Non-lethal techniques
  • Live catch traps
  • Off-site release methods
  • Eco-friendly treatments

Rely on Central Florida’s Efficient Rat Removal Experts

Extermination is a last resort at Critter Control® of Orlando. Keeping safety and security top of mind, our licensed and expert technicians use humane measures to permanently solve your rat problem. If you are dealing with rats in or around your property, call us today at 407-295-7194 to get a free estimate and learn more about our humane rat removal solutions.


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