How to Prevent Birds from Tapping on Your Window

Birds have a notoriously difficult relationship with glass. They either don’t see it and fly straight into it, or they see their reflection in it as a threat and become hostile. This causes problems for homeowners on occasion. A territorial bird pecking at its reflection in your window can be an extremely unnerving, distracting, and unwelcome nuisance. The constant pecking can also crack, damage, or break your window. Here are a few helpful bird removal and deterrent tips to prevent you from going crazy due to the bird-brained actions of a fowl neighbor.

Nuisance Bird Removal Tips

  • Make the exterior of your home less bird-friendly.

To make your home less inviting, remove any birdhouses or bird feeders away from the area until the bird leaves. Trim back the limbs of trees or bushes near your window to encourage your aggressive bird to find somewhere else to nest. Adding a plastic owl decoy is also a common tactic used to scare nuisance birds away.

  • Create a barrier between the window and the bird.

Adding shutters to the outside of your windows will create a barrier that an angry bird can’t penetrate. However, shutters can be a costly investment and, when closed, will also keep any sunlight from entering your home. If you use your window as a source of natural light, shutters may not be a good option. Window screens may help by blocking the bird’s reflection, but they won’t stop the bird’s beak from reaching the glass if it insists on being peckish.

  • Minimize the reflections in your window.

    How to Prevent Birds from Tapping on Your WindowTry dulling the reflection of your window from both the inside and outside.

    • Close your curtains.

      Keeping your curtains closed may dull reflections by presenting a solid background, however, not all targeted windows can accommodate curtains.

    • Dirty your window.

      Shading, soaping, or smearing paint to the outside of the window will keep the bird from seeing itself in the glass. It’s an effective way to prevent bird/window collisions, but it can look sloppy and diminish the attractiveness of your home.

    • Add decals to your window.

      Window decals, stickers, and clings are reusable, easy to apply and remove, and very effective at hiding a bird’s reflection. There are a variety of inexpensive decals available that can complement the exterior of your home while also solving your bird pecking problems.

  • Wait for the bird to leave.

If you’ve tried these solutions and the unrelenting tapping persists, don’t lose your temper. Harming a bird, its nest, or its eggs is a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. You’re most likely dealing with a migratory bird, so hopefully, it will fly home at the end of the season. If you can’t wait for the bird to leave on its own, don’t get into legal trouble by attempting DIY bird removal. Instead, rely on the professional bird removal services of Critter Control® of Orlando.

Legal Bird Removal Services in Orlando

Don’t let pecking birds cause you stress or damage your property. The pest and wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Orlando are equipped and experienced to safely remove nesting birds from your Central Florida property. To learn more about our humane bird removal services, call us today at 407-295-7194 to schedule a consultation and receive a free bird removal estimate.

Can Rats Bring Ticks into Your Home?

Ticks are parasitic organisms that feed on the blood of animals and humans to survive. The pests live in the wooded areas surrounding many residential homes in Central Florida. Rats also live in these wooded areas. Put them together, and they become a destructive force that can transmit disease and cause damage to any home they decide to infest.

How Ticks Get Inside Your Orlando Home

Ticks like to attach themselves to people, pets, and wild animals. Because humans regularly bathe themselves and their pets, ticks can easily be discovered and eliminated before causing an infestation. However, no one is checking wild animals, such as rats, for ticks.

Can Rats Bring Ticks into Your Home?Rats are known to be common carriers of ticks and seasonal changes in the weather can force tick-carrying rats indoors to search for food, water, and a place to nest during the cooler winter months.

Indeed, a warm home looks very welcoming to rats and ticks, alike. If your home has any vulnerable entry points, rats will find their way inside and bring whatever disease-carrying pests with them.

The Dangers of Rat-carrying Ticks

It’s bad enough that rats could be chewing on the walls, plaster, and wood in your home. You don’t need ticks chewing on you, as well. Unfortunately, ticks are small and hard to detect until after they bite and can transmit several deadly diseases that may include:

  • Lyme disease
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Tick-borne relapsing fever
  • Tularemia
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Babesiosis
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Symptoms of these illnesses include chills, fever, nausea, headaches, and rashes.

The Dangers of Tick-carrying Rats

Rats are also carriers of various serious diseases like leptospirosis and hantavirus — resulting in disease on top of disease when combined with ticks. If you’re worried that you may have a double infestation on your hands, Critter Control® of Orlando can help kick rats and ticks off your property.

Expert Rat Removal Services in Orlando

 The experienced rat removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando inspect your property to locate and remove nuisance rats and ticks. We will also repair any damage caused by invasive pests and seal off all entry points to avoid future infestations.

If you think you have ticks, rats, or rats with ticks in your home or business, contact the professional pest control and removal experts at Critter Control® of Orlando to solve your problem permanently. To schedule a home inspection and receive a free rat or pest removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

Do Rodents Come Indoors During Winter?

Rodents indoor during winter

Like any living creature, rodents require warmth and shelter during the cold winter months. That’s why rodent infestations increase during the winter as the nuisance critters attempt to get into homes to avoid the elements. While the spirit of the winter season can inspire a sense of welcoming generosity, rodents are not the type of houseguests you’d want to invite into your home. Here’s what you can expect if rodents come indoors during winter.

Wintertime Rodent Behaviors

Be it rats, mice, or squirrels, each species of rodent will do what it takes to survive in the winter.

  • Rats

    Sizable mammals that can grow up to nine inches long, rats retreat indoors not only to escape the colder outdoor weather, but to nest and breed. While rats do not hibernate during the winter, their breeding does slow. Rats prefer to nest inside cardboard boxes and the fluffy, pink insulation found in attics. Rats tend to use the ventilation ducts of a home to spread their infestation and the deadly diseases they are known to carry like hantavirus and leptospirosis. Popular rat entry points include attics, chimneys, plumbing pipes, and foundation cracks. And it may be hard to believe, but rats can access a home through a hole the size of a quarter.

  • Mice

    Tiny rodents, mice like to build nests in warm areas of the home that are close to food and water sources like kitchen pantries and cupboards where they can easily access and contaminate food. To get out of the cold, mice have been known to chew through drywall and piping, and squeeze through holes as wide as a pencil eraser. Mice also do not hibernate but do remain active throughout the year.

  • Squirrels

    The fuzzy rodents are known to spend the fall months gathering supplies and burying acorns, nuts, and other extra food to eat during winter. Their stockpile of stored food helps them survive the cold season. Squirrels also adapt to the cold by storing fat and thickening their fur coats.

Do Rodents Come Indoors During Winter?

If you notice rodent activity in your home or business, rely on rodent control professionals to evict your uninvited winter pests.

Expert Rodent Removal Services in Orlando

The experts at Critter Control® of Orlando are licensed and trained in proper rodent removal and exclusion techniques. Not only will our technicians permanently remove any rodents from your property, but they will also clean up and fix any damage the pests caused. To schedule a home inspection and receive a free rodent removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

How to Avoid Unwanted Pests This Winter

Orlando Rat

When winter hits, temperatures will begin to drop. As things get chillier outdoors, homeowners will, understandably, start spending more time indoors to escape the cold. However, they are seldom alone as rodent and pest infestations increase during the winter season.

Instead of letting rodents create an issue for you and your family this winter, understand what draws them to your home and take the necessary steps to keep the unwelcome guests far away from your property.

Why Do Rodents Infest Homes in Winter?

Rodents are mammals which means they need to maintain an appropriate body temperature in order to survive. Therefore, rats, mice, squirrels, and other rodents will look for warmer shelter during the winter months, and your property’s dark crawlspaces, narrow interior passageways, and soft insulation will appear very appetizing to the invasive pests.

Combine that with your home’s convenient accessibility to food and water sources, and it’s easy to see why wintertime rodent infestations are so common.

4 Pest and Rodent Prevention Tips

How to Avoid Unwanted Pests This WinterTo prevent rodent-related property damage and the spread of disease in your home, try the following tips to keep nuisance rodents and other pests out of your property during the winter months.

  1. Minimize outside water sources by putting pet bowls indoors and fixing any leaky downspouts or garden hoses.
  2. Look for any ways that rodents can enter your home. Cracks or holes larger than ¼” should be sealed with wire mesh or steel wool to keep pests out.
  3. Unlike mice, rats are able to climb. Keep overhanging tree branches trimmed back and away from roof tops to prevent easy access.
  4. If you have a fireplace, stack your supply of firewood away from the side of your home as it provides a perfect hideout for rodents.

Even though the weather in Central Florida is rarely freezing, rodents and other pests will still attempt to access your property by exploiting any openings they can to nest in your cozy attic and get to your food supply. Instead of risking your safety and wasting money attempting inefficient DIY rodent removal techniques, prevent a pest problem before it even happens by contacting the rodent removal experts at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Year-Round Reliable Rodent Removal Services in Orlando

At Critter Control® of Orlando, our licensed and trained staff members are equipped to safely and quickly  remove nuisance rodents using non-toxic and eco-friendly methods. If our experienced technicians discover any rodents living inside your attic, crawlspaces, or walls, they will humanely remove all pests, clean and restore any damages caused by the infestation, and prevent future infestations by sealing any exposures the critters used to get inside.

To schedule a home inspection and receive a free rodent removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

The Different Bat Species Found in Florida

Of the 1,300 species of bats living around the world, there are 13 that are native to Florida. They are all insectivorous, feeding on thousands of insects each night. Some of the bat species form colonies, while others roost alone. Keep reading to learn more about these fascinating and beneficial creatures.

13 Native Florida Bat Species

  1. Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat

    Their short fur ranges from dark brown to grayish-brown and has a tail that extends past its short tail membrane. They are most often recognized by the strong, musky odor they emit due to a scent gland they have. They roost in large colonies ranging from a few hundred up to several thousand and prefer man-made structures such as buildings and bridges and especially under barrel tile roofs. The Brazilian free-tailed bat is the most common bat in Florida and is found throughout the state excluding the Keys.

  2. Southeastern Myotis Bat

    These medium-sized bats are found in the northwest panhandle and weigh 5 to 12 grams with gray to brown dorsal fur and yellowish to white fur on the stomach. Typically, they form colonies in caves, hollow trees, bat houses, buildings, bridges, and culverts.

  3. Evening Bat

    Common throughout all of Florida except in the Keys, evening bats form colonies of about eighty bats in buildings and other man-made structures such as bridges, utility poles, and bat houses. They have brown fur on the back and whitish fur on the stomach with a “dog-like” muzzle.

  4. Eastern Red Bat

    The Eastern red bat is found in the eastern US and throughout the northern half of Florida. They are solitary creatures, roosting in tree foliage, bushes, and Spanish moss. What makes these bats unique is that the colors between the males and females are different, which is uncommon for bats. Males have brick-red, reddish-orange, or yellowish fur, while females’ fur is duller and lighter.

  5. Northern Yellow Bat

    The Northern yellow bat is large with thick yellowish to grayish brown fur, perfect for allowing it to be hidden while roosting in the dead palms of sabal palms. They are commonly found throughout Florida except in the Florida Keys.

  6. Seminole Bat

    Similar in appearance to the Eastern red bat, the Seminole bat has rich mahogany fur with white tips and white on the shoulders and wrists. Solitary, they roost in pine trees and Spanish moss. They are another bat species found in all of Florida except in the Keys.

  7. Tricolored Bat

    Weighing between 4 and 8 grams, the tricolored bat is Florida’s smallest bat. Its fur ranges from silvery-gray to grayish-yellow to light brown. You can identify a tricolored bat from its pink forearms that contrasts with its black wings. This species roosts singly or in small groups in caves, tree foliage, tree cavities, and sometimes buildings and other man-made structures like sheds or barns.

  8. Gray Bat

    These bats have gray fur that covers their whole body and weigh between 8 to 10 grams. Gray bats only roost in cave systems and are a federally endangered species found in only one county in the northwest panhandle.

  9. Big Brown Bat

    Big brown bats have long and silky, wavy, chocolate-brown to reddish or golden-brown fur with a “dog-like” muzzle and weigh between 11 and 25 grams. Their appearance is like the evening bat’s; only they are larger. They typically roost in dead tree cavities throughout the state of Florida except for the Keys, but will also roost in buildings, bridges, and bat houses.

  10. Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bat

    Their large, one-inch ears are what sets them apart from other bats. Weighing between 7 and 13 grams, they have grey to brown fur on their back and white fur on their stomach. They roost in small groups in natural roost sites such as hollow trees, tree cavities, and under loose tree bark and are the only species of bat in Florida to collect insects like moths and other soft-bodied insects to eat from tree foliage. Found in different locations, especially in the Florida panhandle and the central and northern portions of the Florida peninsula.

  11. Hoary Bat

    The largest tree bat and second-largest bat in Florida weighing 20 to 36 grams. They have thick black to gray fur with orange or yellow around their face. The white tips on the end of their hair give them a frosted appearance. They live in northern states and will migrate south to Florida during the winter months. Hoary bats are solitary, roosting in tree cavities, tree foliage, behind loose bark, and in Spanish moss. From October through April, they are found in north and north-central Florida.

  12. Velvety Free-Tailed Bat

    They are dark brown to dark gray with a long tail that extends past a short tail membrane. In Florida, this species has only been discovered roosting in buildings. Thought to have come from Cuba, the velvety free-tailed bat is only found in the Florida Keys from Key West to Key Largo.

  13. Florida Bonneted Bat

    Florida’s largest bat weighing between 34 and 47 grams. It has dark gray to brownish-gray fur with a long tail that extends past its uropatagium and large broad ears that join at the base and slant forward over the eyes. They roost colonially in tree cavities, cliff crevices, buildings, and other man-made structures. Found in south Florida excluding the Keys, this species is rare and is on the endangered species list.

Safe and Reliable Bat Removal Services in Orlando

The Different Bat Species Found in FloridaBats who roost in buildings will seek homes that allow them to enter small openings in areas such as gable or ridge vents, chimneys, or any other unprotected areas.

If you have bats roosting in your attic or on your property, contact Critter Control® of Orlando. Our technicians understand the laws regarding exclusion and are equipped with the appropriate tools and knowledge to remove them safely. Once the removal is complete, we will inform you of any necessary repairs or maintenance that should be done to prevent bats or other wildlife from entering your home in the future.

To schedule a home inspection and receive a free estimate for our effective bat removal services, call us today at 407-295-7194.

How Hurricane Season Can Lead to Pest Infestations

When hurricane season is in full swing, many Central Floridians prepare for the next round of storms by stocking up on bottled water and batteries and safeguarding their home. However, there are some extra home maintenance preparations that will not only keep you protected inside but also keep unwanted pests outside. Because when the next weather event hits the area, you won’t be the only creature looking to hunker down in your home.

Roof Damage Leaves Openings for Pest Infestations

After a storm has passed, your home may be even more vulnerable to pest infestation. A damaged roof with punctures, cracks, or missing shingles could offer squirrels, rodents, or other pests an opportunity to seek refuge in your attic. Have any structural damage scheduled for repair quickly before any critters begin to nest. 

3 Ways to Keep Pests and Wildlife Out During a Storm

When a storm is approaching, safeguard your home from pests and other invasive wildlife with the following steps.

  1. Seal Off Access Points

    Wildlife seeking shelter from a storm will take advantage of any openings in your home. Check the perimeter of your home for any possible entry points that a critter could use to gain access and seal them off.

  2. Trim Back Trees

    Typical home damage during a hurricane is caused by broken branches and fallen trees — trees that could be home to wildlife. This problem can be remedied before the storm hits by cutting off large branches and low hanging limbs.

  3. Clear Potential Debris

    How Hurricane Season Can Lead to Pest InfestationsNot only can debris around your home become destructive projectiles during a hurricane, but it can also become temporary shelter to all types of critters trying to weather the storm. The last thing you want is for these temporary neighbors to become permanent residents. Be sure to remove yard waste and store away any structures that attract wildlife like birdbaths and bird feeders.

Your Central Florida Source for Effective Pest Control Services

If you hear or see the warning signs of a pest infestation in your home before or after a major storm, contact the professional wildlife removal specialists at Critter Control® of Orlando. We’ll use proper techniques and equipment to remove your nuisance pests and make sure they don’t come back.
Call us today at 407-295-7194 to schedule an inspection and receive a free animal removal and pest control estimate.

How Bat Guano Ruins Commercial Buildings

How Bat Guano Ruins Commercial BuildingsBats are the world’s longest-living mammals, with a lifespan of up to 40 years. Therefore, if conditions permit, bats will inhabit your commercial building for a very long time. As their colony grows, the amount of damage and toxic guano bats produce can pile up, which is why you will want to get bats removed as quickly as possible before they ruin your commercial building.

Damage Caused by Bat Guano


Bat guano can lead to a host of threatening and costly issues that can ruin your commercial building, such as:

  • Foul smells

    As bats roost inside of your commercial building’s attic, their collective droppings and urine will soak into the insulation and drywall below, developing a strong odor similar to ammonia or a cat litter box.

  • Corrosive damage

    Bat guano can remove paint, corrode metals, rot wood, and block ventilation systems.

  • Structural damage

    If too much guano accumulates, it can put pressure and weight on the drywall and ceilings, creating sagging and ultimately threatening the structural integrity of your commercial building.

  • Risk of disease

    When guano reaches the ground in dark and damp environments, it becomes a sufficient host for histoplasmosis fungus. Humans can become infected by inhaling the spores from the fungus. For infants and those with a weakened immune system, contracting the respiratory disorder could be fatal if not treated in time.

The Danger of DIY Bat Guano Removal

Bat guano is a harmful substance you don’t want festering in your commercial building. However, before guano can be removed, you must be sure no bats are still living inside your property. Unfortunately, removing bats and their guano from the attic of your business is a complex and challenging task. Because bats are a protected species, it’s critical that you do not attempt to remove them on your own. Fortunately, the licensed and trained bat removal professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando have the knowledge and experience to resolve your bat issues legally and humanely.

Effective Guano and Bat Removal Services

During our initial inspection, we will determine what species of bats are infesting your property and if there are any babies present. We will also assess how the bats are getting in and out of the building to safely remove the entire colony. Once we are positive all the bats are gone, we will seal all openings, clean up the guano and urine, and repair any damages.

Our top priority is keeping our customers, the animals, and our employees safe during every job, so you can rest assured that your business will be taken care of. When cleaning, our technicians wear specialized suits, masks, and gloves and take every precaution to keep any guano from infecting other areas of the commercial building or air supply. We use industrial vacuum cleaners to get rid of large amounts of guano efficiently and eco-friendly antiseptics to decontaminate the space.

For more information or to schedule an inspection and receive a free bat removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

The Importance of Repairing Holes in Your Home’s Exterior

The Importance of Repairing Holes in Your Home’s Exterior

Many times homeowners will discover small holes in their siding or find areas where the soffit is ripped and assume that bad weather is to blame. However, more often than not, invasive wild animals are responsible for the damage.

While such holes in your home’s exterior may not seem like a big cause for concern, not having them repaired or your home professionally inspected for wildlife leaves you vulnerable to more significant and time-consuming wild animal issues in the future, which can be more costly to fix over time.

The Dangers of Exposed Openings in Your Home

A few reasons why you should have the holes in your home’s exterior repaired as quickly as possible include:

  • Animal Infestations

    Even if wildlife didn’t create your home’s exterior holes, critters like mice, rats, and squirrels could squeeze through the smallest of openings to access the warmth, food, and shelter inside your home. Once inside, these pests will nest and begin to breed, spreading their infestation throughout your property.

  • Further Property Damage

    A widespread animal infestation will lead to structural and property damage such as chewed wires, furniture, drywall, and shredded insulation.

  • Disease Risks

    Invasive wildlife can carry infectious diseases, and parasites like ticks and fleas that can spread illness to both human and pet loved ones inside your home.

Why You Should Have Your Exposed Home Professionally Inspected

It is critical that you do not try and repair the holes on the outside of your home without first completing a thorough inspection of the inside of your home to ensure no animals are living inside. If spooked or cornered, distressed wildlife will create new holes and cause more damage as they try and get themselves out. It’s also possible for them to die inside of your home, resulting in unbearable smells that require professional cleaning to remove.

Effective Wildlife Removal and Restoration Services

Hire the experienced wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando to inspect your home and property for any existing wildlife issues.

If our licensed and trained technicians discover animals living inside your attic, crawlspaces, or walls, they will safely and humanely remove all pests, clean and restore any damages caused by the infestation, and seal any exposures or openings the pests used to get inside to prevent future infestations—including covering holes, filling foundation cracks, and replacing siding.

We also offer a variety of residential services such as attic insulation and restoration, home and exterior cleaning, and dead animal odor removal. To schedule a home inspection and receive a free estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

10 Facts about Opossums

10 Facts about OpossumsAs rural land is continuously developed, opossums are pushed out of their natural habitat and forced to search for food and shelter in residential areas.

While opossums are fascinating creatures, the oft-misunderstood critters aren’t the cleanest animals and can create quite a mess if they manage to wander onto your Orlando property. Here are 10 interesting facts about opossums that will illustrate why you don’t want them living on your property or inside your home.

10 Interesting Opossum Facts

1. Opossums have been around a long time.

Opossums roamed the same land with dinosaurs over 70 million years ago. While dinosaurs are now extinct, there are more than 60 species of opossums. They are clearly natural survivors that can last anywhere they decide to nest, including your home.

2. Opossums have naturally high levels of immunity.

Opossums are more resistant to contracting diseases likes rabies than any other mammal. They are also partially or entirely immune to snake venom, thanks to the serum protein in their blood that neutralizes it.

3. Opossums are nicknamed “nature’s little sanitation engineers.”

Opossums are opportunistic omnivores with a diet consisting of insects, snails, slugs, birds, frogs, rodents, eggs, fruits, plants, grains, and carrion. They also feed on human and pet food, and whatever scraps they can find in garbage cans or compost piles. They have an extremely high need for calcium which provokes them to eat the skeletons of the dead animals they consume. Their eating habits can result in scattered trash and destroyed gardens if you don’t quickly address their presence.

4. Opossums are marsupials, not rodents.

Though many people refer to opossums as large rats, they are actually marsupials (pouched mammals), like kangaroos and koalas.

5. Opossums are America’s only native marsupial.

In fact, the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is the only marsupial in all of North America.

6. Opossums provide pest control.

While you don’t want an opossum eating fruit and vegetables growing in your garden, they are great for cleaning up rotten fruit from the ground as well as feasting on pesky snails, slugs, cockroaches, and beetles.

7. Opossums have opposable digits.

The opposable “thumbs” on the opossum’s rear feet assist them in climbing and opening trash lids. In addition to opossums, primates are the only other mammals with opposable first toes.

8. Opossums can hang by their tails.

Opossums use their long, hairless prehensile tails to grasp materials and wrap around objects such as tree limbs. And, while they can hang from their tails for a brief time, they don’t actually sleep upside down like a lot of people may think.

9. There is a reason why they call it “playing ‘possum.”

When threatened, opossums pretend they are dead by rolling over, closing their eyes, becoming stiff, and forming a foul-smelling fluid from their glands.

10. Opossums have over four dozen teeth.

The mouth of an opossum has 50 teeth, more than any other North American land mammal. While opossums are mostly docile creatures, all wild animals are unpredictable. Therefore, you should never try to approach or capture an opossum if you encounter one on your property. Instead, rely on the opossum removal professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Effective Opossum Removal in Orlando

If you come across opossums living on your property, Critter Control® of Orlando can help. During our initial inspection, we will determine the size, scale, and location of your opossum infestation and strategize an effective and humane plan to safely remove the critters. Once all opossums are gone, we will seal any openings, clean up the mess they made, and repair any damages.

For more information or to schedule an inspection and receive a free opossum removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

How Did Bats Get Inside My Home?

Though they are one of the world’s most misunderstood creatures, there is no denying that bats play a critical role in our natural ecosystem. Yet, while they benefit us by eating outdoor pests, pollinating flowers, and dispersing seeds, they can wreak havoc on the inside of a residential home. If you come across a single bat somewhere in your home, chances are it may have gotten in through an open window or door. But if you see bats more frequently, then they could be unwanted house guests roosting in your attic.

To discover how bats get inside your home, you will need to complete a thorough home inspection by a wildlife removal expert who has the proper tools and experience to safely remove bats.

How Bats Get Inside Homes

Bats never make holes to get inside of buildings; they only use entry points that are left open such as:

  • Cracks and gaps as small as half an inch around windows, conduits, and utility vents
  • Loose or missing shingles or tiles
  • Gaps in the bricks of walls
  • Openings in the attic
  • Barns or warehouses with large doors
  • Loose-fitting doors
  • An unprotected chimney
  • Broken or poorly-fitted screens

How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Home

How Did Bats Get Inside My Home?While your first instinct may be to close all of the entry points you find around your home during your inspection, you cannot begin bat proofing until you are absolutely sure there are no bats still living inside. If you block all of their entry and exit points, the bats will get trapped and end up flapping around the home looking for a way to escape. As the bats begin to panic, they will become agitated, spread contamination, and cause even more damage to your home. Before any bat entry points can be closed, a live bat exclusion must be performed by professionals. This will ensure all the bats are safely removed by allowing them to exit but keeping them from returning.

Rely on Your Orlando Bat Removal Professionals

At Critter Control® of Orlando, we have over three decades of experience in excluding and removing nuisance bats from the inside of homes. For more information on how we can help you get your home restored to its previous condition, call us today at 407-295-7194 and schedule an inspection to receive a free bat removal estimate.



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