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Critter Control of Edgewood

The city of Edgewood is a quiet Central Florida suburb just outside the hustle and bustle of downtown Orlando. Surrounded by gorgeous lakes and nature trails, Edgewood provides a welcoming environment for residents, visitors, and local wildlife. If wild animals have invaded your Edgewood home or business and are becoming an uncontrollable nuisance or causing damage to your property, then rely on the fast and efficient services of the experienced wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Edgewood.

7 Common Nuisance Animals in Edgewood, FL

Our Edgewood wildlife removal experts are frequently called to handle and remove the following species of nuisance animals common to the Orlando area:

  1. Snakes
  2. Armadillos
  3. Bats
  4. Opossums
  5. Raccoons
  6. Rats
  7. Squirrels

The wild animals found in Edgewood are not limited to the species on this list. However, these nuisance animals are known for frequently causing damage to homes and businesses in the area. If you discover any of these pests infesting your property, keep a safe distance and call the wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Edgewood as soon as possible to prevent any further damage and contamination.

4 Effective Animal Control and Removal Methods

The trained and certified technicians at Critter Control® of Edgewood utilize a specialized four-step method for the humane and eco-friendly removal of invasive critters. Our proven CritterSafe® method is comprised of the following steps:

  1. Inspection – Your home or workplace is thoroughly assessed by our experts to find any compromised areas on your property being used as entry points or nests.
  2. Removal – Every unwelcomed critter is located, isolated, captured, and removed using safe and humane methods of trapping.
  3. Exclusion – We will ensure that any compromised areas have been properly sealed with gates, caps and covers to prevent critters from reentering your property.
  4. Restoration – Our experts will provide repairs to any damages that were caused by the critters.

Expert Edgewood Wildlife Removal Services

The experienced pest removal technicians at Critter Control® of Edgewood will quickly and safely remove nuisance wildlife from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate, call Critter Control® of Edgewood today at 407-295-7194.


Get them out.
Keep them out.
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