
How Smart Are Rats?

Every homeowner shivers at the thought of a rat infestation plaguing their property, but these critters actually have a lot in common with humans. From neurological structure to emotional intelligence, rats are some of the smartest rodents out there, but their brains are still only a fraction of the size of a human brain. Let’s take a look at just how smart these critters really are.

Researching the Rats

Because of the typical rat size, they are a prime option for lab testing that require blood draws and surgical procedures; however, that isn’t the only reason rats are the star test subject. Rats are often the preferred rodent for cognitive research lab testing because of their impressive learning capabilities. These help scientists measure the effectiveness of specific pharmaceuticals and understand how treatment options can affect brain function.

The size of rats isn’t the only reason that scientists typically select these critters over all the rest. Specific structural elements found in rat brains have striking similarities to those found in human brains. This gives rats stronger levels of emotional intelligence than most other rodents, and it allows them to recognize 3-D figures even after manipulations.

Understanding Rat Behavior

Rats are pretty smart, but they don’t know everything. In fact, they often make decisions outside of their best interests. For example, rats are notorious for chewing—even through items and obstacles that are potentially fatal. A rat can’t often tell the difference between a hazard and a hearty meal, which means they are likely to chew through things like wires and drywall, which can open up a ton of electrical issues around your home and potentially harm the rat.

They might be smart enough to nest in hard-to-reach places around your home, but rats have a hard time understanding when they aren’t welcome. Even if you’ve had rats removed, they won’t know that your house isn’t open for invitation unless you make it clear. So, if you want to keep rats out for good, you’ll have to remove them, seal entry points, and fix your cleaning routine to ensure that no crumbs are left behind.

Orlando Rat Removal Experts

Don’t let any pest outsmart your home. If you suspect a pest problem anywhere on your property, call the wildlife experts at Critter Control® of Orlando. Our pest technicians study Central Florida animal species and their behavior to create the most effective removal and prevention strategies. For a free home inspection from your local rat removal professionals, call us today at 407-295-7194.

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Tags: how smart are rats?ratrat infestationrat removalsmart rats