
How to Remove Wild Animals in the Attic

Finding a wild animal in your attic is, unfortunately, not very uncommon. Oftentimes, wildlife will roost in residential attics when in search of food, water, or shelter or when it’s time for them to reproduce. After all, attics give them a dark, safe place to give birth and raise their young. In fact, due to urbanization, loss of habitat, and other factors, your Orlando attic can seem like the perfect refuge for a variety of wild animals.

Here are some of the common wild animals known to occupy Central Florida attics and why you should only rely on experienced animal removal professionals to get rid of them.

6 Common Attic-Dwelling Wild Animals

Wild animal species that regularly inhabit residential attics include:

  1. Squirrels
  2. Rats
  3. Opossums
  4. Mice
  5. Raccoons
  6. Bats

The Risks of DIY Wild Animal Removal

Because the above wild animals are unpredictable, attempting to get rid of them by yourself can be very unsafe. To avoid injury or the risk of contracting an infectious disease, it’s highly recommended you rely on trained wildlife removal specialists to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Effective Ways to Remove Wild Animals in the Attic

The experienced wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando will inspect your property to determine the size of the infestation and understand how the animals entered your attic. Then we will strategize a custom removal plan to quickly and safely remove all nuisance pests from your property. Afterwards, we will install safeguards and modify all entry points to keep them from returning. Our licensed and trained technicians will also clean and repair any contamination or damages the wildlife left behind.

Reliable Animal Removal Services in Orlando

If you are dealing with unwanted and unwelcome wild animals on your Central Florida property, then contact the expertly trained wildlife removal team at Critter Control® of Orlando. To learn more about our services or to schedule an inspection and receive your free wildlife removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

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