
How to Keep Pesky Snakes at Bay

Even though most snakes are generally harmless and will do everything possible to avoid humans, it can be very unsettling to see a snake slithering around your home or property. After all, there are several species of snakes in Florida that are venomous and can inflict serious, life-threatening injuries if they feel cornered and strike in defense. Therefore, to keep your residence snake-free, it is recommended that you apply the following snake deterrent tips even if you haven’t noticed snake activity on your Orlando property.

Effective Snake Deterrent Tips

Preventative measures that will help snakes keep their distance include:

Things like wood stockpiles, mounds of rocks, or any other sort of debris all offer snakes a perfect place to seek shelter. By carefully clearing away the clutter from your property, you’re giving snakes one less place to stay.

Because snakes only stick up an inch or two from the ground, it’s easy for them to go undetected in grass that hasn’t been mowed in a while. Therefore, it’s critical to keep your lawn mowed on a regular basis, especially during the summer months in Central Florida when the grass grows alarmingly fast.

While snakes generally don’t use hedges and bushes for shelter, the critters that they prey on do. Eliminating food sources is a big part of keeping your property pest-free, and by trimming your hedges regularly, you’re helping keep mice, frogs, and other common snake food sources away.

It only takes a small gap in your foundation or a hole in a wall to invite snakes inside. Depending on their size, a snake can enter through a hole as small as ¼ of an inch. By sealing off entrances around your home, you are safeguarding you and your family against the dangers of these slithering critters.

The Dangers of DIY Snake Removal

While the above measures are great for discouraging snake activity on your property, they won’t do much to get rid of a snake that is living inside your home. If you encounter a snake on your property, we strongly recommend keeping your distance and not attempting to remove it on your own. Instead of risking a painful or deadly bite, call the snake removal specialists at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Contact Orlando’s Snake Removal Professionals

The experienced wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando will inspect your property to determine the size of the infestation, strategize a custom removal plan to quickly and safely remove all nuisance snakes from your property, install safeguards to keep them from returning, and clean and repair any damages the pests caused.

To schedule an inspection and receive your free snake removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.

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