
The Unseen Threats of Wild Animals

Having wild animals on your property is not only destructive but also incredibly dangerous. Wildlife like rats, raccoons, mice, squirrels, armadillos, and opossums can tear up lawns, damage structures, and contaminate large areas of your property in their attempt to establish a nest and access your food and water sources. However, the pests can also pose even more serious threats to those who occupy your residential home or commercial business. Here are some of the dangerous risks that a wild animal can bring to your Orlando property.

Common Diseases Carried by Wild Animals

While invasive wildlife’s ability to wreak all sorts of havoc on your property is well known, not everybody knows just how serious of a threat these critters pose to the health of you, your family, your guests, and your pets. Many of the wild animals that invade residential properties on a regular basis are known carriers of infectious diseases such as:

The risk of contracting any of the above diseases illustrates why it is highly recommended that you keep a safe distance and contact wildlife removal professionals when encountering a wild animal on your property.

Professional Wildlife Removal Services in Orlando

If you suspect that there’s animal activity in or around your home or office, don’t take a chance on your health. Call the experts at Critter Control® of Orlando. Our experienced wildlife removal technicians will inspect your property to determine the size of the infestation, strategize a custom removal plan to quickly and safely remove all nuisance wildlife from your property, install safeguards to keep them from returning, and clean and repair any damages the pests caused.

To schedule an inspection and receive your free wild animal removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today

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