How to Locate and Seal Off Entry Points for Rats in Your House

How to Locate and Seal Off Entry Points for Rats in Your House

Dealing with a rat infestation is truly a nightmare, but what if there was a way to prevent a rat infestation before it even begins? Thankfully, there are rat exclusion methods that focus on locating potential rat entry points and sealing them off before the nuisance rodents can get in your house.

Rat Exclusion Methods

The three main steps for rat exclusion include:

  1. An Exterior Property Inspection

To exclude rats, a thorough property inspection must first be conducted. The exterior of your home should be examined for tiny gaps and holes that a rat could squeeze through to get inside. Areas to pay particular attention to include:

  • Your foundation and where your foundation meet your walls
  • Windows and doors
  • Attics and crawl spaces
  • Plumbing pipes and electrical lines
  • Garage door thresholds
  • Chimney, roof vents, and soffits
  1. Sealing Gaps and Holes on Your Property


    Once any gaps have been found, it is vital to seal them as soon as possible. However, depending on where the opening is found, a specific type of sealing material may be required. Materials needed to seal gaps and holes around your property include:

    • Caulk
    • Hardware cloth
    • Screening
    • Steel wool


  2. Regularly Reinspect Your Property

Rats have strong teeth that they use to chew through even the toughest materials. If they smell food on the other side of a wall, they are quite capable of gnawing their way through. To keep your home rat-free, it is vital to frequently check any sealed holes to ensure they are reinforced. Additionally, regular inspections are recommended to discover and seal any new holes or gaps that may have popped up since your last inspection.

Just because you’ve sealed a hole with the right material does not mean that it will stay sealed or that no new ones will appear. If rats have chewed their way through your defenses, call the professional rat removal experts at Critter Control® of Orlando for efficient and effective rat removal and rat exclusion services.

Professional Rat Removal and Rat Exclusion Services in Orlando, Florida

The licensed rat removal professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando are trained and equipped to locate and seal off rat entry points around your home to keep your Orlando-area property rat-free. All of our services are safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly, and permanent.

To schedule an inspection of your Orlando property and receive a free estimate for our rat removal services, call Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

4 Ways How to Keep Raccoons Out of Trash

Raccoon in TrashRaccoons are notoriously mischievous, highly intelligent, and dexterous critters that are able to use their front paws to pry open lids and windows, causing serious property damage. Unfortunately, hungry raccoons often like to tip over trash cans and strew garbage around lawns in an effort to find their next meal. If nuisance raccoons are ransacking your property, the following raccoon removal tips may help.

Helpful Trash Tips to Get Rid of Raccoons

If you’re waking to find raccoons have scattered trash all over your yard, then try these helpful trash day tips:

  1. Change Your Trash Day Routine

    If you’re used to putting the trash out the night before trash day, consider taking it out the morning of pick-up instead. Raccoons are nocturnal and, therefore, most active at night. By rolling your cans out overnight, you’re practically ringing the dinner bell. Stop giving them the opportunity to get into your garbage and, instead, make time in the morning to put the trash out and save yourself a potential mess.

  2. Properly Place Your Trash

    4 Ways How to Keep Raccoons Out of TrashTrash placement is key for keeping raccoons out of your garbage. If you keep your trash cans outside at all times rather than storing them inside, consider placing them in a protected area or securing them to your home to prevent tipping. Installing and aiming a motion-activated floodlight over your garbage bins can also help startle raccoons away.

  3. Clean Your Cans

    Cleanliness is crucial, especially if you store your garbage cans outdoors. It is important to regularly clean out and disinfect trash cans to keep their smells down. Not only does it make things more pleasant for you, but it also deters raccoon activity as it makes your property smell-less appetizing. Ammonia is an effective cleaner for cans, as raccoons find it highly offensive.

  4. Get Help from the Pros

    Raccoons can be incredibly difficult to handle, and when they get into your home, they present a significant danger to you and your family. Keeping the pests at bay through these methods is helpful, but it is no substitute for professional assistance. At Critter Control® of Orlando, we combine our years of experience and proper equipment training to ensure that your raccoon problems are resolved efficiently, humanely, and permanently.

Reliable Raccoon Removal and Prevention Services in Orlando

If nuisance raccoons are disturbing the trash and peace on your Central Florida property, rely on the wildlife experts at Critter Control® of Orlando. Our licensed and trained wildlife removal technicians will inspect your property to assess the severity of your raccoon problem, devise a proactive plan to remove the pests, and install safeguards to keep them from returning.

To schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate for our raccoon removal services, contact Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

Will Animal Control Help Remove a Raccoon?

Will Animal Control Remove a Raccoon?

If you hear scurrying around your home at night, see your trashcans toppled over each trash day, or discover your dog food bags curiously ripped open in your garage, then you may be dealing with a raccoon infestation. Fortunately, local animal control technicians can help you remove the pests before they cause any serious property damage.

How Do Raccoons Get Inside?

From inclement weather to normal wear and tear, your home gets weaker as time goes on. If you do not fix it up and seal it up every now and then, you’ll give raccoons easy access to your home. These critters are nature’s bandits and have a knack for getting into seemingly impossible spaces with their cunning minds and nimble paws. Their favorite place to set up shop is in a cool, dark, attic where they can be left alone to scavenge for food, raise their young, and wreak havoc on your home’s interior.

Will Animal Control Help Remove a Raccoon?Whether they enter your garage or your soffits, the damage they can do to your home is significant. Their large size normally means you can detect a raccoon infestation early on, but if not dealt with in a timely manner, you may suffer hundreds of dollars’ worth of damage before you are even aware how they got in.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons

While you may be able to find dozens of articles online about how to perform DIY raccoon removal, it is never an option an expert wildlife technician will recommend. This is because most homeowners do not have the proper tools or knowledge to remove raccoons on their own, and since these critters can carry dangerous diseases like rabies or leptospirosis, you risk exposing yourself to a harmful situation.

Effective Ways to Remove a Raccoon

Instead of attempting ineffective DIY raccoon removal tactics, rely on the licensed and trained wildlife removal experts at Critter Control of Orlando®. Our qualified wildlife removal team has created and perfected a four-step process to quickly and humanly remove raccoons from residential homes and commercial businesses, and keep them from coming back. Our process includes:

  • Inspection – We’ll locate the raccoon and determine the extent of their damage.
  • Removal – Using humane tactics like live traps, we’ll safely capture and remove all raccoons from your home.
  • Restoration – We’ll handle any messes the critters left behind, so you can be sure your home is safe and sanitized.
  • Exclusion – After locating all entry and exit points, we’ll patch them up and seal them so other critters can’t enter your home.

Reliable Animal Control and Raccoon Removal Services in Orlando

To schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate for our raccoon removal services, contact Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

How to Keep Raccoons from Being Attracted to Your Property

Though many find raccoons to be cute and harmless, having these masked bandits create a large mess in your home or yard is a situation you don’t want to deal with. Raccoons have gotten extremely comfortable with living in close proximity to humans, which makes keeping them away from your home that much more challenging.

9 Tips to Keep Raccoons Away

Try these nine suggestions to keep raccoons from targeting your property:

  1. Close all potential entry points that lead into your house and attic, including pet doors
  2. Keep pet food inside
  3. Set up an exclusion barrier around your shed and porch
  4. Install a tall fence that is as slick as possible so raccoons cannot scale or climb
  5. Secure the lids of your garbage cans or leave trash cans in the garage until the day of pickup
  6. Trim back tree branches that are close to your roof to prevent raccoons from accessing roof
  7. Remove bird feeders or place them up high so raccoons have difficulty reaching them
  8. Clean any fallen fruit beneath fruit trees
  9. Ensure your home is in good repair

The Best Way to Get Rid of Raccoons

How to Keep Raccoons from Being Attracted to Your PropertyBecause raccoons are fantastic climbers, it’s hard to keep them from accessing your property. Many outlets suggest using sprays, powders, sprinklers, lights, or sound machines to scare off raccoons, but there are no devices or products that will permanently keep them away. If you notice that raccoons are continually getting into your trash, destroying your garden, and stealing your pet food or birdseed, then you should rely on wildlife removal professionals to resolve your raccoon problem.

With over 30 years of experience in wildlife management, trapping, and removal, the experts at Critter Control® of Orlando understand the behaviors of wild raccoons and have the equipment and expertise needed to safely and humanely remove the pests and prevent them from returning to your property.

Effective Orlando Area Raccoon Removal Services

If your raccoon problem is getting out of control, rely on the licensed and trained wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando. Our team will inspect your property to assess the severity of your raccoon infestation, devise a proactive plan to remove the pests and install safeguards to permanently evict the critters.  To schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate for our raccoon removal services, contact Critter Control® of Orlando today at 407-295-7194.

How Do Professionals Get Rid of Spiders?

How Do Professionals Get Rid of Spiders?Spiders are some of the smallest but most feared creatures alive. Spinning sticky cobwebs outside and around your property, the minuscule arachnids can fit into the tiniest holes, cracks, and crevices to enter your home and multiply. While spiders often eat other pests, they are also pests themselves and, once inside, can rapidly spread their infestation throughout your home. Therefore, you should rely on professional spider removal services to get rid of invasive spiders safely, quickly, and permanently.

Professional Spider Control Services

Spiders species in the Orlando area range from the harmless house spider to the venomous black widow and brown recluse. To ensure your safety, only an experienced and licensed spider control expert should be trusted with the job. Pest control professionals use the following steps to get rid of spiders in your home:

  • Property inspection

    Spider removal experts will inspect small areas of your home where spiders hide out of sight and out of mind. Spiders often like to shelter in attics, pantries, cupboards, and garages cluttered with items like garden dirt, mulch, or firewood.

  • Web removal

    Looking for spiderwebs is an obvious and common professional technique for locating spiders and identifying where the infestation is centralized. Pest control technicians will clear out webs using a broom, brush, or vacuum hose.

  • Non-toxic spraying

    After confirming signs of spider activity, a licensed technician will lay down a non-toxic and eco-friendly chemical barrier to eliminate spiders.

  • Sealing entryways

    Spider control experts are equipped with materials for filling and sealing the nooks and crannies that spiders crawl through. This is a significant step in getting rid of spiders and preventing them from returning.

Get Rid of Spiders with Critter Control® of Orlando

Relying on DIY methods to get rid of spiders on your property can pose just as great of a danger as the insects you are after. Toxic solutions can harm your health while perpetuating the pest problem in your home. Luckily, the licensed and trained pest removal experts at Critter Control® of Orlando are experienced in getting rid of spiders in Central Florida homes and businesses with the use of non-toxic and environmentally friendly methods of pest removal.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free spider control estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.

Can Pest Control Get Rid of Spiders?

Can Pest Control Get Rid of Spiders?Spiders are commonly found infesting Florida homes and businesses. The pests often enter through gaps and cracks in the foundation or exterior walls in search of a warm and dry shelter. If you’re looking to get rid of these unwelcome guests, you may be deciding between using at-home methods or seeking professional help. While DIY methods can provide temporary spider relief, only the spider control services provided by pest removal experts can effectively and permanently get rid of spiders on your property.

Types of Spiders in Orlando

Despite their scary appearance, most spiders are harmless. House spiders and daddy long legs are common species found in Central Florida. Such spiders can be beneficial to have around due to their tendency to eat other invasive pests like house flies and mosquitoes. However, there are a few species of local spiders that can be harmful to your health.

Black widows and brown recluses are an invasive species that can put anyone on your property at risk. Both spiders inject a poisonous venom when they bite which can be painful and even fatal. They are a smaller species of spider that can be hard to spot. That is why you should avoid attempting DIY spider removal, and instead contact professional spider control services as soon as you notice any creepy crawlies in your Orlando home or business.

What Are Professional Spider Control Services?

Store bought spider exterminating sprays and other methods are often ineffective and can be toxic to pets or children. A certified pest control expert will permanently get rid of spiders with the following four-step process:

  • Inspection – A comprehensive inspection will be conducted to find where the spiders are nesting and how they got in.
  • Removal – If spiders are found to be living in your walls, attic, or cupboards non-toxic treatments will be applied to eliminate the pests.
  • Restoration – Pest control experts will remove all spider webs and vacuum hard-to-reach spots to clean up any messes that the spiders left behind.
  • Prevention – All spider entry points will be caulked and sealed to keep future pests from entering your property.

Get Rid of Spiders with Critter Control® of Orlando

If you’re dealing with spiders on your Orlando property, rely on the professional spider control services of Critter Control® of Orlando. Instead of using dangerous tactics or chemicals that put you and your home at risk, our licensed and trained technicians use safe pest control methods that are non-toxic and eco-friendly. To schedule your inspection and receive a free spider control estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.

Eliminate Spiders for Good: Our Proven Control Techniques

Eliminate Spiders for Good: Our Proven Control TechniquesNobody likes finding a spider inside their property; however, with the Central Florida area being home to several species of spiders, it’s common to spot the pests in your home or business at some point. To safely, efficiently, and permanently eliminate spiders on your Orlando property, rely on the proven pest control experts at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Effective Ways We Eliminate Spiders

Many at-home pest control methods involve using traps or toxins to take care of spiders. They may work temporarily, but there’s a good chance you’ll continue seeing spiders until they’re handled by professionals. Instead of using harsh chemicals to trap and eliminate pests, the licensed technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando use a proven, four-step method to permanently remove spiders from your property. All our methods are non-invasive, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and safe around humans and pets, so they won’t disrupt your everyday life.

Our four-step process includes:

  1. Inspection: We conduct a thorough external and internal walkthrough of your property to determine the size and extent of your spider infestation.
  2. Removal: Using our professional techniques, we safely remove all spiders from your property.
  3. Restoration: If the spiders have caused property damage, we will restore your property to its original condition.
  4. Prevention: Any entrance points used by the spiders are closed and sealed to prevent re-entry.

Why You Should Avoid DIY Spider Control Methods

Invasive spiders are no small threat, so if you notice spiders on your Orlando property, don’t try to get rid of them yourself. Species of Florida spiders include black widows and brown recluses. These venomous spiders will bite when threatened, putting you and your loved ones’ health at risk. Instead, ensure everyone stays safe and healthy by relying on the spider eliminating professionals at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Central Florida’s Proven Spider Removal Experts

The experienced spider control technicians at Critter Control® of Orlando will quickly and safely remove nuisance spiders from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free spider control estimate, call Critter Control® of Orlando at 407-295-7194 today.

When Do Squirrels Hibernate?

When Do Squirrels Hibernate?Contrary to popular belief, many squirrel species, including the eastern gray squirrel, fox squirrel, and red squirrel, do not hibernate during the winter months. Squirrels are, in fact, one of the smallest mammalian species to not hibernate. Although, they do use a number of techniques to help them get through the colder winter months.

How Squirrels Survive Winter

When fall begins to set in, squirrels will begin foraging for foods like nuts and seeds which they will store in safe areas like holes in the ground, inside trees, or even in the attics of residential homes.

Unlike other creatures of similar size like bats and mi

orlando squirrel

ce, squirrels aren’t able to retain high levels of body-fat, meaning that even if they wanted to, or if food were unavailable for a time, they would not be able to self-sustain by living off of fat reserves during the colder periods. Because they cannot fatten themselves up to last through the winter months, squirrels must ensure they have access to food when sources become scarce. Despite their primarily vegetarian diet, squirrels have been known to prey on small birds or steal eggs when food is very scarce.

Where Do Squirrels Go in Winter?

The misconception that squirrels hibernate during the winter perhaps stems from the fact that the critters are rarely seen when cold weather hits. Instead, squirrels are typically snuggled up inside a large, warm, and dry drey that they built to help protect them from the wintry elements. When the weather is sunny, you may see them out occasionally during wintertime, but they prefer to remain in the safety and warmth of their drey. However, if squirrels did not prepare for the winter months, they may hole up in the next best place, your warm and vacant attic.

Squirrels in the Attic?

If squirrels have infested your attic during the colder season, rely on professional squirrel removal services to evict the nuisance pests before they have the chance to nest, breed, and cause damage to your property and belongings. For help with squirrels and other wildlife, contact the experts at Critter Control® of Orlando.

Permanent Squirrel Removal Services in Orlando

At Critter Control® of Orlando, our certified technicians are equipped and experienced in humane squirrel removal methods. Our licensed and trained team will quickly and safely remove any pesky critters from your property and keep them from returning by eliminating their potential entry points.

To schedule an inspection and receive a free squirrel removal estimate, call us today at 407-295-7194.

How Commercial Businesses are Susceptible to Squirrel Infestations

How Commercial Businesses are Susceptible to Squirrel InfestationsCommonly found in urban environments, squirrels are not afraid of people and often push the boundaries of where they belong. While squirrels in homes are a regular problem, it’s an oversight for businesses to think their building can’t become infested by squirrels, as well. Here are a few ways commercial businesses are vulnerable to squirrel infestations and how business owners can keep squirrels away.

3 Common Squirrel Entry Points into Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings present the following unique ways for squirrels to gain entry.

  1. Exposed openings

    Just like a residential home, commercial buildings can have holes, cracks, and openings in their exteriors that nuisance squirrels can dig into. Squirrels have very tough teeth and claws that can help them enlarge these openings or even create their own holes in roofs or drywall. Gutters also provide a perfect hiding and nesting place that conceals the creatures while they dig into your building.

  2. Unmaintained vegetation

    Beautiful landscaping makes a good impression of your business. However, overgrown tree branches that reach your building can provide squirrels a bridge to your property.

  3. Attractive access points

    Large dumpsters with leftover foods can draw squirrels to your building. They can also climb into elevator shafts, nest in the rafters, get stranded on a tall roof, or even set up shop in a below-ground parking garage.

3 Ways to Reduce Your Chances of a Squirrel Infestation

  1. Secure Your Business

    Sealing holes in the summer months — when the critters are less likely to be inside — will secure your commercial building for when the cold weather returns and squirrels begin looking for a place to nest. Securing vents with galvanized steel is recommended since steel mesh and wiring are easy to chew.

  2. Clean Around Your Business

    Trimming long tree limbs will help keep squirrels from scurrying into your building. And, you can prevent nesting by cleaning out your gutters and applying gutter guards.

  3. Deter Squirrels from Your Business

    To deter squirrels, you can spray chemical squirrel repellents around your property, plant non-edible flowers like marigolds, geraniums, and hyacinth around your business’ perimeter, or activate motion sensor sprinklers overnight. However, such deterrents only offer temporary solutions to a recurring squirrel problem.

Reliable Commercial Squirrel Removal Services in Orlando

To keep squirrels away from your place of business for good, you’ll need professional squirrel removal services. At Critter Control® of Orlando, our highly trained and certified technicians will quickly and safely remove any pesky critters from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule an inspection and receive a free squirrel removal estimate, call us today at 407-295-7194.

Signs Your Commercial Building Has Squirrels in the Walls

Signs Your Commercial Building Has Squirrels in the WallsIf walls could talk, they could alert business owners at the first instance of a wildlife issue. Since the walls of your commercial building can’t speak for themselves, here are four common signs of a squirrel infestation so you can diagnose and resolve a commercial squirrel problem before it grows out of control.

Why Squirrels Nest in Commercial Buildings

Business doesn’t have to be booming for squirrels to take interest. As they search for a safe place to settle down, nest, and raise their young, squirrels often find shelter by scaling the roofs of local businesses and homes. If your commercial roof has damaged shingles, an uncapped chimney, or dented vents, squirrels can easily squeeze, chew, or scratch their way through and quickly find their way into the walls of your building.

4 Signs of Squirrels in Your Commercial Building

The signs of a squirrel infestation can easily be confused for those of any other rodent; however, there

Signs Your Commercial Building Has Squirrels in the Walls

are some key characteristics to distinguish what kind of animal you’re dealing with, including:

  1. Scratching and squeaking noises

    Squirrels might be good at staying out of sight, but they always have a tell. When you hear noises coming from your walls after hours, it could be a mouse, rat, or other nocturnal rodent; however, noises during the daytime are a strong indication of squirrels.

  2. Strong odors

    It doesn’t take a ton of investigative work to smell a squirrel problem in your commercial building, but it can be hard to differentiate the smell of squirrel urine or droppings from those of other rodents.

  3. Chewed holes, cracks, or gaps

    Small rats and mice can fit through holes the size of a nickel, but squirrels often need a bit more room to squeeze through. Check your walls for quarter- or larger-sized holes, gaps, or cracks with signs of chewing.

  4. Droppings

    The most definitive proof that squirrels have infested the walls of your commercial building, droppings may appear around your walls or other points of entry. But unlike other rodents, squirrel-produced droppings typically form in clusters and have a lighter color.

Your Local Commercial Squirrel Removal Professionals

If you notice any of the above signs of squirrels inside your commercial building, don’t hesitate to contact Critter Control® of Orlando for an immediate wildlife solution. Our team of highly trained technicians study local wildlife to understand their behavior. This helps us to secure commercial buildings with the most effective methods of wildlife removal and prevention. To schedule an inspection and receive a free squirrel removal estimate, call us today at 407-295-7194.


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